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Marker World Download

  • Developer: Allen Liao
  • Genre: Puzzle
  • Works On: Windows 95-98, Windows XP
Marker World

It looks like Crayon Phsyics, but it's not - It's

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  • Gohst

    Even though it looks, tastes, smells and feels like Crayon Physics, it's not. That's what the developer says.

    Upon first look, it will seem like a fairly quick imitation, but there are some key differences to the structure of the game. For example, in Marker World, you actually move the ball yourself. Think of it as a circular Mario that can't jump.

    Add to that you make the platforms - most levels come with a rough guide to the "exit" but you draw everything to get you there. This might include ramps, slopes, boxes, triangles, circles and just about any nonsense shape you can think of. The game keeps your design as you intended it - not reverting it into a standard rectangle.

    It's fun enough, and like Crayon Physics, it's also short. Included, however, is a level editor which is good in anyone's book.

  • Ana

    I love the concept of this game because it gives the the chance to play with my tablet and stylus. It's so much fun! I wish it had more levels. If you're the kind of person who likes to doodle, you should try this game.

  • Carrigan

    It is the best game I have ever played and I want it so bad.

  • Fantasyer

    I really like it.

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