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  • Gohst

    In this Sokoban style game (titled Ohajiki Azarashi in Japanese), you play as a whaler/Eskimo type who walks around a seal filled landscape and brutally shoves them toward certain goal points.

    Throughout the 40 levels you will be able to push them all over the place, including around obstacles, over bridges and throughout several trial-and-errors as you attempt to... "save" them, I guess. They all seem pretty happy by the end of the levels.

    For a change, this variation actually contains levels which are quite puzzling. As opposed to simple retreads of the same formula, the levels increase in difficulty by introducing new elements. Not content with just maximising the screen size and minimising the seals, the solution for each level is guaranteed to give the ol' grey mattress a work-out.

    Though the game's puzzling elements are quite good, the game is recommended for fans of the genre as the first levels are quite relentless and it doesn't become more forgiving. Guaranteed to contain a couple of brow-knotted hours of puzzling entertainment.