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  • Neutral/Acid

    Well I did not quite like this game. Little Fighter 2 is far better. Why? It's beatable. If any of you beat them - GEEK! It's great sure but you'll bore of it real fast. However, its flash animations rocks! Check it out at:

    There are 4 only so far. They're named Madness Combat.

  • Madnessman117

    fun game if you have some time to waste i have spent many hours playing this and i think many people will enjoy this

    NOTE:if you have no tolerance for blood and your a wimp i would stay away frome this game

  • Noxxi0us

    A great game, although kinda short. Many possibilities for your characters, alot of weapons, and almost no plot line... just the kind of game I like

    ****** Rating (I know there is 6 out of 5 stars).

  • Wonderweed

    I've played this for days and I dont get bored of it! It's a real blood bath game and that's what makes it so good.

    I highly recommend this game.

  • Anonymous

    Hey Yo Yo!
    This game is the wonder of the Flash Gaming !!...Hard and realistic = Madness Interactive...
    Good Work Guys!

  • Some guy

    You can biow peoples' heads off with a shot gun and blow them up with a rocket launcher or an elephant gun.

  • Cooldude

    There isn't much to say about Madness Interactive. Just try it once and you'll get addicted to it.

  • Sir Kay

    If you like freeware, and if you don't mind a little blood, Madness Interactive is for you!

  • Matthew

    It is the best game in the world. I just can't stop playing the game.

  • LuluDaGreat

    I just love this one I played it for hours on end, it's so... COOL!