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  • Gohst

    Turbo Risk is essentially the board game “Risk” except you have a whole heap of customizable rules and can play against 9 computer players.

    You play on a map of the world and that’s about all there is to look at, as is all Risk games, so it wins points for accuracy though maybe not for originality. Though it is easy to know what to do.

    Like Risk usually is, it’s a different game every time and with the option of nine other computer players, there is a lot of room for variation in this game, and that just makes it all the more exciting.

    There is no music and no sound and in reality there doesn’t need to be. Though some sounds would have been nice, it’s not necessary so you can just get straight to concentrating on your strategies.

    So in conclusion, this is a cool rendition of an old favourite and should be enjoyed by people who enjoy this game or similar games.

  • Kevin

    TurboRisk is the perfect risk computer game. Its a small file, the computers are good, and most importantly, its quick. I've played other Risk games that take forever. It's a great way to kill 10 minutes every now and then.

  • Jeff

    Don't forget to configure it with with the latest/strongest players (frank/decartes/era$or..)