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Prince Of Persia 4D Download

  • Genre: Adventure
  • Works On: Windows 95-98, Windows XP
  • Tags: Platform, Remake, Retro
Prince Of Persia 4D

Unofficial release of the original Prince of Persia with harder levels and more challenging gameplay, perfect for a Prince of Persia fan

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  • Stevie

    This is an excellent ad-on from the original game. I had this for my Amiga and it plays just as well. However, if you played the original before, only the first 6 levels have been changed. Also, the game only goes up to level 10 and unless you have the original on disc, you can't complete it. Gutted.

    The sound is not as good as the Amiga but then I think I'm asking too much as this is the original PC program. However, if you want a challenge, get this game. Fans of the original Prince of Persia will love this as it brings back memories of just how raw this game was, with a bonus of extra hard levels (the first level reminds me of the last level of the original ). A must for those who think they are hardcore gamers.

  • Mr mike

    Prince of Persia 4D is an unofficial release of the original Prince of Persia with harder levels and more challenging gameplay, perfect for a Prince of Persia fan who is seeking new and more difficult gameplay.

    The original Prince of Persia was released in 1990 and became extremely popular over the years.

    With its Arabian theme and realistic, unexpected surprises and puzzles, this game is looked at by some as being one of the best games ever made.

  • H

    This game is truly one of the best game there is. I have played many 3D games over the years, but I still don't think that they compare to this new Prince of Persia game and the original one.

    The levels are hard, the gameplay is great, the controls are easy to use and the graphics are fantastic. It's lots of fun exploring the different levels.

    I really recommend for anyone to try the game!

  • Anonymous

    this is a game mostly liked by boys.
    but even though i am a girl i love this game a lot
    a part of it is something related to killing
    but still it is just a game
    it is a ausim game impressed with is 4d effects


  • Koncool

    You guys cannot appreciate this game. Look around - it's 2005. When this game became popular in 1990 it rocked and it is still fun. Don't criticize a game with current standards - that's all I have to say.

  • Chander Shekhar

    This is very challanging game for people who are playing it first time & quite interesting too. From my point view this is an excellent game. I like it very much.

  • Slayer 12

    This game had some good gameplay and some bad gameplay, what I liked about it was that it was 4D, but the rest of the game loked a little scratchy and dull.

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