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Deadly Tournament Download

  • Genre: Arcade
  • Works On: Windows 95-98, Windows XP
Deadly Tournament

Mortal Combat clone

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  • Wierdbeard

    Deadly Tournament is a well executed Mortal Kombat clone.

    If you've got friend with you get him (or her) and beat the hell out of each other. If not the A.I. of the game is smart enough to keep you on the defensive. But the best form of defense is of course attack. You may choose from 6 different players in this combat game.

    Deadly Tournament has enjoyable gameplay and the graphics won’t let you down. It is very true to Mortal Kombat’s style of play.

  • Anonymous

    This game is bad, controls are hard to set and shift is a punch button and when you press it the game minnimises and shows StickeyKeys while your player is getting beat.

  • Korede Ayodeji

    I've already played it once before. I see it's very exciting and also has great graphics, modes, actions and Combos but for now I want to get it downloaded onto my PC.

  • Xbladesx

    If I wanted a game like Mortal Kombat, I would get Mortal Kombat.

  • Karate-kid

    This game is the best! Good graphics and good fighting moves!

  • Reptile

    It's horrible. It shames the name of Mortal Combat.

  • Edosa

    I like the game.

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