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Frog Hunt Download

  • Developer: free lunch design
  • Genre: Arcade
  • Works On: Windows 95-98, Windows XP
Frog Hunt

A small and very simple game where the one and only impossible goal is to catch frogs.

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  • Gohst

    In this game from the much loved Free Lunch Design you are given the task of catching as many frogs as possible before the time runs out. It is a task which sounds simple enough, and would be simple enough, if only it were possible to do.

    When you start up the game you are greeted with a warning which proclaims it to be a “broken game” which as you will soon find out, basically means your one and only task - catching frogs - is actually impossible to do. Not only that, but the timer counts up, not down, completely negating any of the pre-determined rules of the game.

    As set out by the creator, the basic principal of a game is to have a bunch of ideas and put them all together. When they’re all connected and it looks nice, you’ve got a game. But if the ideas are unconnected and the rules do not apply, you’re in a situation where you’re forced to make your own rules or just give up.

    So all of the most annoying traits of games have been compiled here in an ad hoc fashion, these include “God giving you points” and the obvious “unobtainable goals”. It is within the many unrelated game elements that you are encouraged to make some sort of sense of the chaos in order to play.

    Surprisingly enough, for a game that doesn’t work it has spawned quite a fan base. I know that even I have returned many a time in an attempt to better my own “high score” – a feat which I achieve by standing on green grass, virtually motionless, for as long as possible. It’s not exactly entertainment but it is, somehow, exciting to keep on playing.

    To be perfectly honest, I have no idea if this game is good or not. It does nothing it says it does, but in doing that, it does exactly what it says it does – provide you with a user defined gaming experience through the failure of its own structure. Though perhaps its failure is the very thing which allows it to adhere to its own structure: that of a failed game. Who knows?

    If you need any further advice on what to do with this game, I cannot give it to you. Nor perhaps can anyone else. If you choose to download it, one thing is certain and that is, you will play… but please don’t complain to me when you cannot catch any frogs.

  • Anonymous

    I'm not much of one for fancy graphics. IMO, there are more important things about a game than graphics. The creators of this one obviously agree with me. Retro Graphics sometimes give the game a nice feel. Not here, they don't. (3/10)

    Sound is nice as it adds a little flavor to a game potentially increasing it from 'Good' to 'Excellent', provided that the sound effects match the game and aren't annoying, and the music isn't far too repetitive. Sadly, in this game, the sound only seems to intensify my frustration. (4/10)

    The most important category, this determines what the game is made up of and how long you can spend on it. In this case, maybe 3-5 minutes. The designers of this game didn't throw the drawing board away, they smashed it to bits with a sledgehammer. This is an absolutely worthless game in terms of gameplay. Completely repetitive, no goals, and no plot or storyline. (2/10)

    In summary, the Graphics were pretty bad, the sound was below average, and the gameplay is absolutely terrible. The most amusing part of this game is the loading screen, which is a spoof of an ESRB rating. I'll let that raise my average by half a point. (3.5/10)

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