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Girl in the Wood of Mushrooms Download

  • Genre: Arcade
  • Works On: Windows 95-98, Windows XP
Girl in the Wood of Mushrooms

In The Girl In The Wood Of Mushrooms it is your task to walk around and shoot fish that fly amongst the trees in The woods of Mushrooms.

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  • Mr mike

    In The Girl In The Wood Of Mushrooms you play a girl who's task it is to walk around and shoot fish that fly amongst the trees.

    I was rather unimpressed by this game, the creators clearly did not spend a lot of time actually creating it. As you walk around the playing area you can reach the end of the small world which results in you having to turn around. As you move around, the trees and mushrooms block your vision, which can be annoying.

    The games movement is slow and the gameplay is painfully boring.

    There are four difficulty levels, these difficulty levels simply change the number of flying fish from one to four. The fish sometimes fire back, if you're actually lucky enough to find them.

    If you're really bored and feel like playing an equally boring game, download this. It is all in Chinese, to start the game press either 1/2/3/4 (different levels) on your keyboard.

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