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Pringles Download

  • Developer: Pringles
  • Genre: Arcade
  • Works On: Windows 95-98, Windows XP

Pringles is a Christmas promotional game for the Pringles chips. It is identical to Beertender 2.

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  • Zero

    Pringles is a Christmas promotional game for the Pringles chips.

    The first thing you will notice about Pringles is its similarity to the game Beertender 2. Except for the background and the fact that you serve pies and not beers, it's identical.

    There are four counters that you need to serve. People will come from the left and you must throw a pie down the counter. Every time they get their pie they will be pushed back a bit. You need to keep doing this until they're out of the screen. The longer you play for, the more people will start appearing.

    The only thing you need to worry about is that when they have eaten their pie, they will throw the pie tin back towards you. You must catch it before it hits the floor.

    The graphics in Pringles are very good, but the game becomes very boring, very quickly. If you have played Beertender 2, you don't really need to play this.

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