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Salmonster 2 Download

  • Developer: atmocube
  • Genre: Puzzle
  • Works On: Windows 95-98, Windows XP
Salmonster 2

You are a fish which needs to push coloured blocks into rows of three. Can you do it?

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  • Gohst

    Salmonster 2 is a simple little puzzler which, like many other puzzlers before it is very simple on the surface, but is very difficult to complete.

    You play as a fish, in some sort of semi-three-dimensional playing field. Seeing what to do is fairly easy, as the graphics are nice and colourful and easy to determine. The fish also looks nice, as far as fish go. However I feel the game would have been easier not in 3D but in 2D with a top down playing field. The 3D effect makes it difficult to see around the blocks, and thus makes it difficult to move the blocks or to move around them. This is unfortunate to say the least, because I could see this being a very fun and frantic game.

    There is no music but there are some sound effects. For the most part it's hard to tell that there is more than one sound, because the deep noise made when you move a block is pretty much the dominant sound and does, indeed, get a little uninteresting to listen to after a while. Though when you get three blocks in a line, it makes a very cool sound that I could not stop imitating.

    Over all, this is an alright puzzle game and could, realistically be better. However, it is enjoyable enough as it stands.

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