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Stroke Download

  • Genre: Puzzle
  • Works On: Windows 95-98, Windows XP

A simple yet challenging Japanese puzzle game which is similar to Sokoban and Boxworld.

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  • Zero

    Stroke is a challenging Japanese-made puzzle game, based on the same idea as games such as Sokoban and Boxworld.

    You walk along the tiles and collect all the crystals on the level. As your player passes over a tile it will disappear, which means you will not be able to go back in that direction. You need to plan your moves carefully so that you will be able to collect all the crystals without getting stuck. There are also teleporters on the harder levels which help you get around.

    The graphics are very nice and the character moves easily and with out any glitches. Stroke can be played in window mode or you can switch to full screen by pressing F2.

    These puzzle games are never entertaining for very long, but it's nice to give yourself a challenge every now and then.

  • GamzKritic

    I was unsure at first if stroke was going to be a challenge due to the cute graphics, but I was struck back by how difficult I found it later in the levels. Only being able to move forward in a game such as this makes you think your moves out like a game of chess and the music is upbeat and gives you a nice atmosphere. I would say this game can appeal to all ages and is a worth while game, a true... stroke... of genius.

  • MArk

    The game alone is amazing but addictive music adds to the game perfection.

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