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Super Methane Bros Download

  • Genre: Arcade
  • Works On: Windows 95-98, Windows XP
Super Methane Bros

An old arcade conversion

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  • Rekall

    Super Methane Bros is a fun old- style arcade platform action game, which is full of fun and it sure to keep you entertained for quite a while.

    This game is similar to old classics like Bubble Bobble, except Super Methane Bros only supports single player modes.

    That old cool arcade feel really shines through in this title and it really is a lot of fun to play.

    With its ability to run on literally just about any computer that is still in existence, Super Methane Bros is an excellent Amiga to Windows conversion.

  • Jebber

    This is a fun arcade action packed adventure with methane bubbling out of every pore of your body.

    Give us some more acrade action!

  • Will

    Super Methane Brothers is challenging, fun and confusing.
    I don't recommend downloading this game, but, you can, it ain't that bad.

  • TSA

    This is an ok game. It's fun if you're bored and have nothing else to do.

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