KingsBorn is a great game with even better gameplay
KingsBorn delivers one of the hottest freeware first person shooters ever!
It was originally developed in German, and although the quality of the game cannot rival commercial peers such as Unreal Tournament, KingsBorn still remains an extremely valiant attempt at matching commercial games.
KingsBorn is a great game with even better gameplay. I encourage the download.
PS: You move with the keys W, S, A, D, F1 for keyboard/mouse settings and use the mouse to look around.
You can run the English Version of the game by running “english.bat”
No. This isn't a good game. This is, in fact, a very BAD game! It's not even a game! Sorry for my sudden lack of professionality but I just can't stand this so-called game. It was made at a university exam after all.
This is an OK game for 12mb but I think the creators could have done a better job.