By far the best one in the series
If you enjoyed Worm wars 1 and 2 you will love this one. It is by far the best one in the series. The graphics and sound have been improved a lot.
You can now build structures which will be able to produce more units. There are also new weapons.
Worm wars 3 however still suffers from some fairly annoying bugs which greatly decreases the quality. These bugs include: Your worms getting stuck, weapons all generating in the exact same space and by far the most annoying, when you click on a menu button your worm starts walking towards that button. Some of the weapons do weird and unexplainable things.
All in all Worm Wars 3 is a game that should have spent a couple more days in the testing department.
Worm Wars 3 is a fun game that can be explained short as a realtime strategy/action variant by worms, sure it is pretty fun with its fast paced gameplay and pretty deep challenge but just gets old way to quick.
Its sequel Worm War 4 is better, with longer campaigning, skirmish mode and two player coop.
First off, let me explain that the bad rating is not because it's a bad game, but because I dont no how to really play it.
The graphics are average, the gameplay is average. I don't no how to buy worms and structures, and I have no clue how to win a game by killing all ants when they always respawn.
Great game with good gameplay, graphics and sounds.
Worm Wars III would have been one of the greatst games ever if it had multiplayer in it. I have been using The Games Factory for almost 3 years now and I have never made anything as good as this.
This game has many great new features, but the best is the ability to buy units and buildings!
Replay Value:8/10
Gameplay:8/10-(Only because of a few bugs in the game.)
The best of the series?? I found this on two differant freeware sites and the reviewers both said its the best, BUT IT'S NOT! 1 AND 2 are WAY better!
I didn't enjoy this game at all I gave it a second try... worse.