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  • Gohst

    This action game begins like a movie, with a nice cut scene (which you're involved in) and then the action slowly builds throughout the first few levels. The initial dialogue sequences are rife with sarcasm and humour then the action really begins to take place - while subplots keep the story line propped up throughout the game.

    The main story tells of an alien invasion to earth. You see, we decided to syphon all the water off their planet, which we foolishly decided was uninhabited. Turns out, not only are there aliens there, they have the abilty to get out-of-this-world mad with people who steal every drop of liquid on their planet. How about that?

    And speaking of liquid, the hero of the story really, really needs to use the bathroom. The first few dialogue exchanges are mostly focused around this subject, while explaining what's going on in the rest of the game. Aside from this, the game contains tongue-in-cheek references to both the game itself and the creator of it.

    While the game has a tendancy to venture into "How dire is my situation in this screen" territory in place of actual plot advancement, the game has a strange ability to be engaging regardless. There are at least a few hours of play in this game and while some are more entertaining than others, it cannot be denied that its one of the most interesting to come around for a while.