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  • Gohst

    Usually, I'm not one to shy away from shooters. Their difficulty is usually quite comfortable. Self Destruct is a notable recent exception to that rule. While some tend towards the difficult side, others provide trouble with their upgrades - Blast Radius. This title is just plain tough.

    It has breakneck speeds, plenty of enemies, beautiful bullet patterns, and some close-call dodges thrown in. All of this and it still manages to elude me. Perhaps its the bizarre power-up system (just attempt to decipher the readme, I dare you) or maybe its the 3D backdrop of a skyscraper filled city which plays with perception. Who knows?

    What it does have is its graphics and that manic boss. What it misses out on is giving you a sporting chance. Download only if you're sure you want to be humiliated before you figure out the system.

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