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  • Gohst

    In this release from Apogee Software (now called 3D Realms) there are five volumes of general knowledge trivia to be enjoyed. The trivia ranges from sports, to science, to television and more. Each volume contains many questions and keeps a record of high scores.

    The idea is fun and fairly enjoyable. There are no selections, so you can't just have television questions - they are random. Even with this, it's still as good as trivia can be.

    The volumes are all entertaining, with the exception of the first one. This shows off "flashy" design choices and added little flares. These might have been revolutionary nearly twenty years ago, but its painfully eye-gouging stuff now. Thankfully, the next four volumes do away with this nonsense.

    As mentioned, trivia is trivia. So if you're in the mood for some, then this is a good place to stop. It's lengthy, entertaining single player goodness.