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  • Acidic's picture

    Retro Fighter is a game that was openly inspired by the Double Dragon and Streets of Rage series of games. Although Retro Fighter is a good game it does fall short in certain areas, and I see it as my job to tell you about these flaws.

    Firstly: no sound effects (only music), this really does detract from the feel of the game. The second thing that annoyed me slightly was the controls, it’s pretty difficult to move around and attack. My final complaint is defiantly that the game is way too easy at times and way too difficult at others. The end of level bosses will put you to sleep but the minions will have you overwhelmed at times.

    As for some positives: There are a range of attacks and weapons you can use. The graphics are also a strong point, somewhat above average.

    Retro Fighter is bug ridden and not that great but for fans of the Double Dragon and Streets of Rage series of games it may be worth the download.

  • Ryan

    Not good at all!

  • Killer

    Waste of time.

  • Ying

    It stinks!