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  • Acidic's picture

    Although I have really enjoyed most Fallen Angle games that I have played in the past, I am far more reluctant to recommend this dark pinball game.

    The ball physics is Dante’s biggest flaw, they really do border on terrible. The ball regularly hovers and changes directions in mid air. Bounces are also completely unpredictable making the game hard to play.

    On the multimedia front Dante is alright, but still not great. The music and backgrounds are well suited to its dark underworld theme.

    Be sure to check out Fallen Angles website. You can find some games there that aren’t on Acid-Play yet. Fallen Angle make some great games, Dante just isn’t one of them.

  • Mucksavage

    Never ever play this game whether you're sober, sane, drunk, insane, happy, sad, angry, cheerful, depressed, ecstatic or alive.