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  • Es

    Everything is awesome, except the fact that you can't save between stages, only worlds...

  • MAnssanity

    This game is the best Mario game in the world and I think it's excellent for Mario fans!

  • Anonymous

    This game is super! I hope u will release these types of good games for ever and ever...

  • Anonymous

    I like it very much.It is the most fascinaing I have ever played.I'm liking to play it.

  • Matteo

    This game is really good because it is really like the proper version, I recommend it.

  • Downloader

    Great game in all aspects, but I must be a little dumb. I can't find out how to shoot.

  • Hailz

    GREAT! But if someone can please tell me how to get past level 6 that would be great!

  • Nathan Aston

    This is my favourite Mario clone ATM and it will probably stay like that for a while.

  • Tuomas

    Finally, a good copy of the original Mario. This game isn't perfect but it is close.

  • Golu

    This game is old and new at the same time. It is the most popular game in the world.