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  • Zero

    Puchi is a challenging little Japanese game that mixes aspects of both platform and puzzle games.

    You, as a little stick man, must make your way to the end of each level by solving problems and jumping from platform to platform.

    The end of the level is marked by a red flag. You are given 5 minutes and unlimited lives to finish each of the levels. The early levels are very simple, they only require that you to jump across the
    platforms. The more advanced later levels require you to move blocks and other objects in order to reach the next platform.

    To make your life easier there is a mushroom jumping around on each level. Sometimes you need to hop on top of this mushroom to get transported around the level.

    Puchi's graphics are decent enough but they are nothing special. The music is pretty bad and can get quite annoying.

    Note: The menu is in Japanese, but all you need to do is press Start, so that's nothing to worry about.

  • Virus Boy

    Eh.. not bad but too short...