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  • Zero

    The world is in danger and it's up to you to save it from invading aliens. The Ultimate ChuChu is a side-side scrolling action packed shooter game. Your objective is to clear each level of all the aliens and other enemies, by blasting them with what ever weapon you have on hand.

    Each time an enemy is destroyed, it will leave behind some gold coins which you can collect. After each level you will be able to purchase items like weapons and health. Each level is concluded with an end of level boss.

    Unlike most platformers, you don't just shoot straight ahead of you. You can aim with the mouse and shoot in all directions.

    The Ultimate ChuChu runs nice and smoothly. The cartoonish graphics and quality sounds make this game even more enjoyable.

  • Selfesteem___dummy

    oh my word... at first when I saw this game I thought maybe this is just like all the rest... surprise!

    During the game you only get one weapon... a hand gun, it has two modes, single and burst (fires entire clip in one shot) but that's all you need, you fire as fast as you can click.

    The enemies are varied from level to level but some stay the same.

    The controls are very responsive although when you get close to the edge you can stand on air a little after you get to the edge.

    The graphics are very very smooth. The only real hang up I have is there are no other weapons you can use.

    All in all I highly recommend this game.

  • 50_frickin'_6k

    The graphics are charming in their cartoonish way and the gameplay is unique and fun. One of those games you can just pick up and play for a few minutes if you're bored.

    Don't listen to some people (strangler boy) who think that if they dissapprove of things, people will think they're an artistic critic or whatever.

  • Mhweaver

    This game kept me engaged for quite a while. It is lacking in levels, but even so, it took several tries to beat.

    The only time the game did not run smoothly was 2nd to last level which got very slow after a bit.

    Overall, I'd recommend this game to anyone who has some free time they'd like to kill

  • Lean Mean Green

    The game is very well done. The graphics are about as good as can get for 2d. The game is very addictive which is hard to come by nowadays. All it needs is multiple save files. Otherwise it is great. Nice graphics, good sound and great gameplay. It all comes down to being awesome.

  • Koma kazzi

    Great graphix and FX including the soundtrack. You could not look downward (like double tapping the down arrow key) that would have been a nice touch. I still found this game alot of fun all the same.

  • I-love-metal

    It's quite nice in all.

  • Babystrangler

    It just sucks.

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