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  • Gohst

    In this shoot ‘em up from Japan it's your mission, as pilot of a space ship to destroy as many of the enemy attackers as possible while avoiding an insane number of bullets fired by them.

    As always with Japanese shoot ‘em ups it looks completely stunning, the graphics are flawless right down from the background and ammunition to the spaceships and the huge bosses – it’s all fantastic.

    The game play is great, the action is ceaseless, and the barrage of ammunition you can fire along with what the enemy throws at you is astronomical. The variety of enemies is great and, well, basically, it’s a fun game to play.

    Unfortunately, though, the one thing it misses is music. It’s got everything else, sounds, graphics, game play, everything but there is no music and it’s sad to say it lets the whole game down. It really could have used the music, but nevertheless it’s still a pretty fun game.

    As far as Japanese shooters go, this one is up with the rest of them; however the lack of music is a sore point, though all in all it’s good in all other respects.

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