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  • Gohst

    Simpsons Jeopardy is a game in the style of the popular American TV show Jeopardy. The game features characters from The Simpsons and the questions revolve around the characters and trivia from the show.

    There is a good mix of questions in the game, from near common knowledge questions to ones which require near intimate knowledge of The Simpsons. This caters to a wide variety of fans, from seasoned professional viewers or someone with only a passing interest in the show. Both types of fans could play together and something would be there for them both.

    The graphics are none too special, but that’s totally not important. They capture the classic Jeopardy style and that’s all they have to do – the emphasis is clearly on the questions which is what will have you returning to the game.

    In all this is quite an entertaining game, for hardcore Simpsons fans or people who are just thinking about learning something about The Simpsons. This game could be enjoyed by almost anybody due to its wide appeal, though it wouldn’t be much fun if you didn’t like the show. However you might learn something which sparks an interest, who knows. In all, I say it's a pretty good game. There is also an option to add your own questions and answers to the game and that sort of thing is always cool. So, have fun.

  • Robwood

    I can't get the game to play. I've even tried using the emulator provided with Vista and the game still doesn't work.