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  • Gohst

    From the same person who brought us Super Human Cannonball comes an isometric throwback to the Cold War-era abduction flick. In it, you are given control of a very hubcap-looking space craft and are sent to blindly suck “specimens” into your ship.

    Not unlike the films of Edward Wood (and the like) of the 1950’s, the story is thin to absent in this game, but the spectacle is high. Riding around in your silver saucer and using the X key to abduct, you have a given time to collect as many earthlings as possible. Being efficient (collecting lots quickly) will earn you more time for collection, but the herd does thin as time goes on, so put your ray to good use.

    The lack of instructions in the game lends it a bit of confusion in the first moments, but the controls soon become clear: the arrow on your ship points “forward” and the up arrow on your keyboard accelerates in that direction. Turning the arrow - with the left and right keys - turns your ship. The so-called levibeam has limited power which lends the game some strategy – when to use it, when to not? Sometimes skipping one person can save your beam for a group of them and earn you bonus time.

    When all is said and done, there isn’t a lot to this game. But realistically, there doesn’t need to be. It has all the hallmarks of a coffee break game, its not complex, its nice to look at, it has a challenge and is consumable in small bites. Saucer City is simple diversionary fun and is wholly enjoyable.