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  • Gohst

    Jumper-Ball ZX 2 is another instalment in the Jumper-Ball series. It continues where the previous version left off, with the graphics ripped from DX-Ball and the sounds from Jazz Jackrabbit.

    Little in the way of improvements have been made to the game since we last saw it and it seems this wholly separate game is an excuse to release what is essentially a new set of levels for the prior game.

    The gameplay is the same, of course, with a host of balls all launching at the start of a level with you frantically attempting to save any and restore a bit of sanity to the mayhem. Largely unable to do this, you are stuck with one ball which you watch bounce around in the hopes that it will land on the hard-to-accurately-steer paddle.

    Unoriginal, derivative and not an improvement on the last game in the series, you’ll most likely do better to find another, better Breakout clone. And you won’t have to look far to do it.