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  • Gohst

    During rush hour on the highway, you are just a simple little angry man who wants to get through traffic. Unfortunately the traffic contains army tanks, big bomber planes and Coke vans who are all trying to gun you down.

    The graphics are nothing special, you will see this when playing. Fairly standard 2D racing fare. Although the splash screen is nice, in one sense of the word. The majority of graphics are just there to be what they are, and nothing more.

    Game play was alright, although you’re going at the same speed the whole time so not much strategy takes place, it's just basically a shoot-anything-in front-if-you type of game.

    Basically this game is pretty missable, unless you really like racing games or mindless destruction games. Though for most gamers, the experience would rather be spent elsewhere.

  • Anonymous

    the game is a bit cool but needs 3D to very cool. also need's more weapons.