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Arcade Sniper

Arcade Sniper is a 2-D shooter in which you pilot the X-wing Sniper and fight to keep the evil, alien boss Obliterator from destroying Earth. Earn bonuses, upgrade your weapons and face various enemies in this seemingly upgraded version of the arcade classic Galaga.

  • Genre: Adventure, Arcade
  • Tags: Arcade, Free, Sniper, Softendo

Zelda Forever

Zelda Forever combines many familiar elements of the original series with new, simple game play in colorful graphics. Join Link in his quest to once again save Princess Zelda as you wind through a map of various levels requiring multiple strategies.

  • Genre: Adventure, Puzzle
  • Tags: Adventure Games, Free, Puzzles Games, Zelda, Zelda Forever

The Treasure of Drunk Island

Tired of living a boring life, Willy comes into the possession of a treasure map

  • Genre: Adventure


A fun platformer

  • Genre: Action


Challenging puzzle game with different difficulty levels that works like a Rubik’s Cube

  • Genre: Puzzle

The Fly

Play against a friend in this 'fly vs farmer ' game

  • Genre: Arcade

Yeti Sports Part 4: Albatross Overload

In this installment of Yeti Sports, our great big, fluffy white friend has made his way over to Australia to help an albatross carry a penguin across a great golden Australian beach.

  • Genre: Arcade

Direct X Pacman

This is a great remake of the original Pacman with enhanced 3D graphics.

  • Genre: Arcade

Gnome Hurling

Gnome Hurling allows you test your skills of navigating a small gnome flying in mid-air over a run-way.

  • Genre: Arcade

Air Defence

Protect your base by shooting down enemy aircraft from your turret or simply shoot down slow moving blimps for fun.

  • Genre: Action