A very puzzling puzzle game which tasks you with simply flipping stones over… and over.
A fun little game which takes place in small cabins where a train collects supplies.
A simple puzzle game where the object is to arrange the same colour into rows of five.
Perhaps inspired by ''I Wanna Be The Guy'' - this isn't your typical Mario remake.
A ''Space Invaders clone'' which is extremely removed from the normal type in the genre.
An online game in which three players either save, kill or resurrect sheep for points.
A rather light side-scrolling shooter featuring the now common neon-trimmed graphics.
Five volumes of trivia from circa 1990. All multiple choice and all presented in lovely DOS.
Guide a bouncy ball to a blue bucket while using only one tool - a pencil.
Pure Sudoku is a collection of virtual Sudoku puzzles. It contains instructions for those who have never played the game of Sudoku before, as well as different difficulties for every skill level.