Acid-Play - Freeware Games
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Snail Wars

A great name for a game... which unfotunately doesn't translate to the game itself.

  • Genre: Arcade

Worm Wars II

A fun little game which has you in charge of epic scale battles in small scale terrain.

  • Genre: Action

Super Boink-o-Doink

Stylish and intensely difficult platformer that will test even the most hardcore gamers.

  • Genre: Action

Carious Weltling II

An incredibly bloody and gruesome game where you kill enemies with your own blood.

  • Genre: Arcade

No Friction

Rolling a sphere around destructible levels has never been so brain-teasingly hard.

  • Genre: Puzzle

Happy Runner

A game which is the complete antithesis of its own title. A very hard platformer using just one button.

  • Genre: Arcade


A small screened, but fun space based shoot 'em up. With three types of ships.

  • Genre: Action

The Complex

Using the power of magnets, attempt to escape a heavily guarded facility.

  • Genre: Action

BIB2 - The 2nd Syndrome

A Japanese shooter with an exceptionally strong focus on boss battles.

  • Genre: Action

Mario Games 1.0

Mario Games 1.0 is a simple platformer in which you, as Mario, seek to achieve high scores by stomping gumbas, Koopa shells and collecting coins. If your score is high enough, you have the option of posting it to Softendo's leader boards online. Use unique strategies through three levels to rack up points.

  • Genre: Arcade, Other
  • Tags: Free, Mario